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     I have worked hard to create a knife that will glide into your hands with ease and comfort while allowing a strong non slip grip, a long lasting edge that sharpens easily, a surface finish that will aid your every cut, and a knife sheath built strong and water resistant.​
     For many years I have backpack hunted with longbow and wood arrows.  I have used these experiences to design knives that will help you field dress, cape, and butcher big & small game using less effort.
     In addition I have also been a Canoe & Outdoor enthusiast, sometimes venturing into more remote locations. My Wilderness knives are designed to aid the adventurer for some light duty chopping &  emergency situations.
   * After many years I have decided to Retire from Knife making as of 2016.  I have really enjoyed all the very loyal customer friends I have made. It has been my great honor to work with all of you! As a remembrance of my great experience in this profession, I plan to leave this website up for a few more years. I invite you to explore and view all of the unique wood handles and designs I had the pleasure of creating.         818 349-7402

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